1. Introduction
Sersol Berhad (the “Company”) has adopted the following Code of Conduct (the “Code”) for Directors, management and officers of the Company and its subsidiaries (the “Group”). This Code is established to promote the corporate culture which engenders ethical conduct that permeates throughout the Company. All Directors, management and employees of the Group shall be referred to as “Officers” hereon.
2. Purpose
This Code is formulated with the intention of achieving the following aims:
2.1. To emphasize the Company’s commitment to ethics and compliance with the applicable laws and regulations;
2.2. To improve self-discipline in order to provide the Company with good and quality service; and
2.3. To enhance skills in the implementation of duties and to be able to adapt to the work environment.
2.4. To enhance and maintain the reputation, image, brand and quality of the Company.
3. Code of Conduct
In the performance of his or her duties, each Officer must comply with the letter and spirit of the following codes:
3.1. Human Rights
The Company supports and respects human rights. The Company treats officers with dignity and respect in the workplace, provides equal employment opportunities, creates a safe and harmonious work environment, and will not engage in any form of discrimination.
3.2. Health and Safety
The Company provides a work environment that is safe, secure and free of danger, harassment, intimidation, threats and violence. The Company takes appropriate precautions to prevent injuries or adverse working conditions for each and every officer.
3.3. Environment
The Company conducts operations in a manner that safeguards health, protects the environment and conserves valuable materials. The Company is committed to protecting the environment by minimizing and mitigating environmental impacts throughout the life cycle of operations.
3.4. Gifts, Gratuities and Entertainment
Affected Personnel must not accept entertainment, gifts, or personal favors that could, in any way, influence, or appear to influence, business decisions in favor of any person or organization with whom or with which the Company has, or is likely to have, business dealings.
Similarly, the Affected Personnel must not accept any other preferential treatment under these circumstances because their positions with the Company might be inclined to, or be perceived to, place them under obligation to return the preferential treatment.
3.5. Company Records and Internal Controls
The Company’s records must be prepared accurately and honestly, both by accountants who prepare financial statements and by officers who contribute to the creation of business records. The Company takes obligation to maintain business records for operational, legal, financial, historical and other purposes seriously and takes appropriate steps to ensure that the content, context and structure of the records are reliable and authentic.
Reliable internal controls are critical for proper, complete and accurate accounting and financial reporting. Officers must understand the internal controls relevant to their positions and comply with the policies and procedures related to those controls to ensuring that effective and reliable business processes are in place.
3.6. Company Assets
The Company’s properties and assets should be managed and safeguarded in a manner which protects their values. Officers are accountable for safeguarding all assets entrusted to them, including our information resources, records, materials, facilities and equipment under your care or control, from loss, theft, waste, misappropriation or infringement and for using the assets to advance the interests of the Company. All officers have an affirmative duty to immediately report the theft, loss or misappropriation of any Company assets, including financial assets, physical assets, information assets and electronic assets to the management as stipulated under Violations of Code of Conduct below.
3.7. Exclusive Service
The Company expects each and every officer to give their fullest attention, dedication and efforts to their duties and the Company. Officers must avoid any personal, financial or other interest which may be in conflict with their duties and responsibilities to the Company.
3.8. Integrity and Professionalism
All officers should conduct themselves with the highest degree of integrity and professionalism in the workplace or any other location while on Company’s business.
3.9. Personal Appearance
An officer who is provided with uniforms by the Company shall wear them in full at all times while he is at work.
An officer is expected to be suitably and neatly dressed so as to maintain an appropriate appearance that is business like, neat and clean, as determined by the requirements of the work area. Dress and appearance should not be offensive to customers or other officers.
Dress, grooming and personal cleanliness standards are important and contribute to the morale of all officers and affect the business image to the Company’s customers and visitors.
3.10. Confidential Information
All information obtained in the course of engagement and/or employment with the Company shall be deemed to be strictly confidential and shall not be disclosed to any third party. This measure applies to all officers both during and after the service with the Company.
Except with the permission of the Company, an officer shall not make any unauthorized public statement, circulate, divulge or communicate with any customer, member of the public, media or government or statutory bodies on the policies or decision of the Company on any issue, or any other information or details in respect of the Company’s business. This applies to disclosures by any medium, including the internet, especially via social media sites (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube), internet message boards and/ or blogs. An officer must take precautionary steps to prevent the unauthorised disclosure of proprietary or confidential information, including protecting and securing documents containing this information.
Personal records and remuneration including the officer’s own remuneration are classified as Private and Confidential information and shall not be divulged.
3.11. Compliance Obligations
Officers are responsible for knowing and complying with the requirements applicable to their work activities, including those described in Rules of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedure in the Employee Handbook and those described in the Company’s guidance documents (Company’s standards, policies and procedures and manuals).
3.12. Conflict of Interest
The Company expects that the Affected Personnel will perform their duties conscientiously, honestly, and in accordance with the best interests of the Group.
Affected Personnel must take care to separate their personal roles from their Company positions when communicating on matters not involving the Company’s business.
3.13. Fair Dealing
All officers, customers, suppliers and any others who are related and have dealings with the Company shall be treated fairly and equally. Any ground of discrimination is strictly not allowed. The Company with compete effectively and fairly in the market which it managed. Moreover, the Company is obliged to ensure its operating activities and its relationship with any business partner is fair, transparent and honest. This includes any form of transaction or termination of relationship. All commercial transactions shall be recorded and documented. Corrupted practices are not allowed either directly or indirectly.
4. Communication and Compliance
The Company and the Board should ensure this Code is being communicated to all levels of officers through staff handbook, notice board, intranet, or corporate website. The Company should include the briefing of this Code to new officers in the induction programme.
The Board should ensure this Code permeates throughout the Company and is complied by all levels of officers.
5. Violations of Code of Conduct
The Company’s officer should report to supervisors, managers, HODs or Head of Human Resource about the known or suspected illegal or unethical behaviour. The Company’s Executive Directors and senior management shall promptly report any known or suspected violations of this Code to the Chairman or members of Audit and Risk Management Committee. All officers shall refer to and adhere to the Whistle Blower Policy.
6. Investigations
The Company shall investigate reported concerns promptly with the highest level of professionalism, confidentiality and transparency. All internal investigations and audits are conducted impartially and without predetermined conclusions. Each and every officer shall be expected to cooperate fully with audits, investigations and any corrective action plans, which may include areas for continued monitoring and assessment.
7. Periodic Review
The Board and senior management of the Company will review the Code on an annual basis and communicate the new changes to all levels of officers.