Diversity Policy

1. Vision

SerSol Berhad is committed to an inclusive workplace that embraces and promotes diversity.

We value, respect and leverage the unique contributions of people with diverse backgrounds, experiences, ethnicity, gender and perspectives to provide exceptional customer service to an equally diverse community. We recognise that team members will assume changing domestic responsibilities
throughout their careers.

2. Scope of Application

The Policy applies to the Board and also apply to diversity in relation to employees of the SerSol Berhad.

3. Objectives

The Board of Directors will establish diversity-related measurable objectives for the Company. Assessment of these objectives and review of progress will be carried out on an annual basis by the Nomination Committee, who will report its assessment to the Board of Directors and make recommendations as appropriate. Progress against targets will be included in the Company’s annual reports.

SerSol Berhad has a number of objectives in place to continually work towards our vision.
These objectives include:

  1. Continue to recognise and celebrate our multicultural diversity and grow our workforce to reflect the diversity of the Malaysian population.
  2. Continue to incrementally grow the number of women performing senior roles and board of director.
  3. Continue to create programs that prepare women to take on senior roles within the business both in operational and specialist support areas.
  4. As part of the annual performance evaluation of the effectiveness of Board, the Committee will consider the balance of skills, experience, independence and knowledge of SerSol on the Board and the diversity representation of the Board, including gender, age and how the Board works together as a unit.
  5. Provide people with a disability employment opportunities and career advancement.

4. Principles

This policy provides a framework for new and existing diversity related initiatives and polices within our business. We reward and promote our team based on assessment of individual performance, capability and potential. Our business leaders are committed to providing opportunities that allow individuals to reach their full potential irrespective of individual background or difference.

5. Measures and accountabilities

The MD and HR Manager will monitor the progress and report to the Nomination Committee on the effectiveness of diversity related initiatives, including progress against measurable objectives. A steering committee will make recommendations on diversity related initiatives, monitor and evaluate their implementation and ensure that diversity related programs of work are progressing correctly and successfully.